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The staggering decline of honey bee colonies has alarmed experts across the United States, but an unconventional apiculturist in California thinks he has found a way to save them. John Filipowicz, 51, and his son John, 20, were found still holding onto each other in their basement as they shielded themselves from the torrent which covered them in 12ft of water in seconds. Relatives said that the two had an 'incredible bond' and would never have been separated in life or in death. John the ofloxacin elder stayed behind to watch over his house in Staten Island, New York, but his son refused to leave because he wanted to be by his side. A weekly capsule of travel news curated by our writers and editors. For some, the matchup on Saturday brought to mind the massive sexual assault scandals at the two universities, and their problematic responses to them. There have been lean years in Peconic Bay, on Long Island. But fishermen have never seen a failed harvest like this one. U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday that the White House would probably release a transcript of a second call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Tuesday. Read CNN's Cuba Fast Facts to learn more about this communist country located in the Caribbean Sea, approximately 90 miles south of Florida. (Reuters Health) - When transgender people undergo sex-reassignment surgery, the beneficial effect on their mental health is still evident - and increasing - years later, a Swedish study suggests.
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